Compte rendu de l’Assemblée générale de TNEN 2016




Préalablement à l’Assemblée, les membres de l’Association avaient reçu par mail le rapport moral établi par la Présidente ainsi que le rapport financier du Trésorier.


L’Assemblée générale de L’Association Tamil Nadu Et Nous s’est tenue à Bailly le samedi 10 décembre 2016 à 15 heures.


Sur 37 membres de l’Association, 34 étaient présents ou représentés, 3 étant absents.


Un rapide tour de table permet à chacun de se présenter et de donner quelques informations concernant leur(s) famille(s) parrainée(s)


Le Père Nithiya retenu en Inde n’a pu se joindre à nous pour l’Assemblée ; néanmoins il a tenu à manifester son union de pensée en envoyant une série de documents qui ont été affichés dans la salle et largement consultés. Nous nous proposons de vous faire parvenir copie de ces documents par mail.




1 / Examen du rapport moral.


La Présidente commente le rapport moral qui était préalablement parvenu par mail à l’ensemble des membres de l’Association.


Constat est fait que l’objectif du nombre de parrainages fixé lors de la dernière assemblée n’a pas été atteint ; un  nouvel objectif plus modeste et réaliste de 60 parrainages est fixé pour 2017 (actuellement nous sommes à 53). Il est demandé à chacun de se mobiliser  dans la recherche de nouveaux sponsors : famille et amis sont la source la plus efficace pour ces recherches (Insister sur le fait qu’après déduction fiscale de 66%, l’engagement financier pour un parrainage n’est que de 33 centimes d’euro par jour !).


Mention est faite des difficultés pour obtenir en temps voulu l’ensemble des courriers destinés aux familles parrainées ; évitons  d’avoir à effectuer des relances !


De plus, pour l’envoi de décembre, une lettre envoyée fin octobre par le parrain n’est jamais arrivée, et une lettre a mis plus d’une semaine pour arriver et elle est arrivée trop tard.   Il est donc demandé de nous prévenir par mail de l’envoi de votre courrier. (De préférence garder une copie de votre lettre sur votre ordinateur, en cas de perte du courrier par la Poste, pour ne pas avoir à la refaire)


D’un point de vue purement pratique et pour éviter des frais importants de photocopies il est préférable d’envoyer le courrier destiné aux familles par lettre plutôt que par mail et de joindre les photos sur tirage papier.


Enfin la Présidente propose de porter le montant de la cotisation annuelle de 15€ à 25€. Cette somme couvre les différents frais de fonctionnement de l’association tels que frais postaux (notamment envoi groupé des courriers en Inde en recommandé), photocopies … mais permet également de faire face à des opérations ponctuelles urgentes telles que récemment l’achat d’un fauteuil roulant ou des parrainages urgents pris par TNEN en attendant de trouver de nouveaux sponsors. L’AG adopte le nouveau montant.


L’Assemblée approuve le rapport moral présenté par la Présidente.




2/Examen du rapport financier.


Le Trésorier commente le rapport financier qui était préalablement parvenu par mail à l’ensemble des membres de l’Association.


Compte tenu de l’ensemble des recettes y compris différents dons exceptionnels, le résultat cumulé se monte à +1605€, affecté en report à nouveau sur le prochain exercice.


Le Trésorier  fait état de retard de paiement  d’une dizaine de cotisations annuelles ; un point sera prochainement fait avec relances éventuelles si nécessaire.


Dans un souci de simplification, il est recommandé de privilégier les versements par virement plutôt que par chèque.


L’Assemblée approuve à l’unanimité le rapport financier présenté par le trésorier.




3/ Renouvellement du poste de Président.   


Les statuts de L’Association prévoient tous les ans le renouvellement d’un des membres du bureau ; le mandat de la présidente vient à échéance lors de l’Assemblée 2016.


Monique Dussauze se porte candidate à sa réélection à ce poste.


A l’unanimité des membres présents et représentés, Monique Dussauze est réélue pour 3 ans au poste de Présidente de l’Association TNEN.


L’Assemblée Générale remercie chaleureusement  Monique Dussauze pour son engagement, et la félicite pour sa réélection.     




4/Questions diverses.


- Le suivi effectué localement par les correspondants locaux (Francis Xavier à Trichy et Arul Oli à Pondichéry) est rendu difficile compte tenu de la dispersion des familles et des moyens de transport peu performants (bus).


Sans remettre en cause leur travail, certains  parrains souhaiteraient avoir des nouvelles plus suivies sur des opérations ponctuelles entreprises, telles que réhabilitation de maison …


Le bureau ayant décidé d’aller en Inde en mars 2017, visitera un certain nombre des familles dans leur habitat (les nouvelles familles en priorité)  et veillera à une meilleure remontée des informations sur ce type d’opérations ponctuelles


- Il a été constaté que les taux de change et les frais bancaires appliqués aux familles pour la conversion des chèques qui leur sont remis  sont très variables d’une banque à l’autre.


François Baleydier lance l’idée d’un transfert unique global des sommes versées par les parrains  à une seule banque, la banque se chargeant localement de la conversion et du transfert sur le compte de chaque famille. Cela pourrait (devrait) permettre d’obtenir de meilleures conditions de change dont les familles parrainées seraient les bénéficiaires.


François Baleydier se charge donc d’étudier cette possibilité et tiendra informé le Trésorier des résultats de son étude ; il pourra s’il le désire travailler avec Bernard Verdier qui semble avoir des idées sur ce type de problèmes.






Aucun autre point n’étant abordé, la séance est levée à 17h10.



                                                                  TAMIL NADU ET NOUS

                                          MINUTE OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY: 10/12/2016

Reminder: few days before the General Assembly all members have received by mail the annual report of the chair woman together with the financial report of the treasurer.
The general assembly ( AG ) of our association has been held on the 10th of December 2016 at 3 pm in Bailly ( 78 ).
Out of the 37 members of the Association 34 were either presents or represented .
At the beginning all attending sponsors introduced themselves and gave the assembly a short status of their sponsorship.
Father Nithyia has not been able to make the trip to France : however he managed to join our assembly when sending some documents (photos, factual reports about sponsored families,...). All those documents were placarded on the wall and were consulted by all attendants. (documents will be sent to all sponsors by mail).

1/ Chair woman report (see document attached)
The Chair woman submits her report and gives her comments.
It has to be considered that the target we decided to reach last year (75 sponsorships) was not met: a more realistic new goal has been fixed, 60 sponsorships ie 7 new ones since we have now 53 families sponsored by our association.
All members should try their best to find new sponsors: families members and close friends are among the most likely to be convinced to join our association (do not forget to point out the 66% tax deduction which can apply, at least in France : sponsoring a family costs only 0,34 € per day!).
The Chair woman states that it is sometimes difficult to receive letters from sponsors on time: that leads to time consuming reminders.
Also, it happens sometimes that a letter sent to us on time does not reach us before the sending of the parcel. It will be convenient to be informed by mail when the letter is sent, so that , in case of late delivery, we will have enough time to contact the sponsor and get a copy of his letter by mail .
In order to facilitate our organization and to save money we request to receive letters and photos by postal service: photos to be printed on paper.
Regarding the annual subscription fee it is proposed to the Assembly to raise its amount from 15 € to 25 €.
The amount collected through the annual subscription allows the association to cover general expenses (postal, international sendings of parcels, photocopies, printing of documents, etc...), to be able to meet exceptional urgent needs such as surgery of one indian family member, supply of a wheel chair for a very handicapped person, and also to sponsor one family waiting for a sponsor...
The General Assembly passes the resolution.
The General Assembly approves the Chair Woman's moral report.


2/ Financial report
The treasurer details and comments the financial report which was sent by mail to all members before the assembly.
Taking into account all incomes, including exceptional donations, and all expenses the aggregate result amounts to + 1605 €. This amount will be carried forward in the 2017 financial report.
The treasurer points out that 10 sponsors have not paid the annual subscription fee: reminders will be sent to the sponsors concerned.
In order to simplify the functioning of the association members are required to use bank transfers rather than cheques for their payments.
The General Assembly approves the financial report.

3/ Renewal of Committee members.
As per the status one third of the members must be renewed every year.
Monique Dussauze who has resigned from her position as Chair Woman of the association accepts to re-stand at the same position.
She is unanimously re-elected for 3 years.
The General Assembly conveys warm thanks to Monique Dussauze for her involvement and congratulates her for her election.

4/ Miscellaneous topics
The correspondents in Tamil Nadu (Francis Xavier and Arul Oli) are required to follow up closely the Indian families sponsored by the association. This is not easy since the families are scattered over the 2 areas (Trichy and Puducherry ). Also, transportation by bus is not very well organized.
Hence the feed-back we are supposed to get from them is not fully satisfactory.
Some sponsors would like to get more news regarding specific actions they have financed (repair of houses, surgery , medical treatment, etc...).
The Committee has decided to return to Tamil Nadu in march next year: families will be visited (where they live) ; priority will be given to new sponsored families. The committee will emphasize the importance of a close following up of all families with a quick feed-back to the sponsors regarding in particular the specific actions.
During the last visit in January it has been noticed that the rate of exchange (€/ Irp) and bank charges were quite different from one bank to the other.
François Baleydier suggests that a global transfer of the total amount of sums collected from the sponsors from our bank in France to one bank in India could generate better conditions for the indian families. The indian bank being in charge of the payment to each family account.
François Baleydier is requested to study this possibility. He will submit a report to the treasurer; should he wish to, François would liaise with Bernard Verdier who might have ideas on the matter.

No other matters being risen the meeting came to its end at 5h10 pm.


REPORT from Father NITHIYA concerning PONDICHERY








Submitted to the assembly on 10th Dec 2016 in France


-         Fr. Nithiya (


Coordinator for TNEN and PEN


Special Note: Dear Friends, I am sincerely grateful to each of you for your generous help towards the poorest and deprived. It has created new life to many families. This has been a new life for them to progress. I am extremely sorry to miss this chance to come in person to present this report due to visa problems. However I am sending a short report of the update.  




The help given by Tamil Nadu Et Nous TNEN has grown now to cover more deserving people and their families. I am happy to present to you the present status of the project given to the people and how their lives have been changed.  There are two major centres in India by TNEN. They are 1. Pondy Centre – Pondy Et Nous (PEN)  2. Tamil Nadu Et Nous ( TNEN).


The Pondy Centre is in North side of Tamil Nadu. Pondicherry is a separate state like Tamil Nadu.  The Pondy centre is known for lot of remote villages and the poor people are mostly in remote areas. There is a growing welfare of several families as follow:


The Status of the people before getting support from France families


1.     Most of these people were suppressed by discrimination due to Caste oppression. Most of these people are from Primitive Tribal people from IRULA community. Hence their status is very poor.


2.     The children did not continue their studies due to poverty


3.     The widows were in great difficulty for their personal economic welfare and social dignity.


4.     The youth of these families were not able to go for any employable jobs due to poverty.


5.     These families are far away cut off from the main road and hence could not have access to development




The status of the people after getting the support from France


1.     Even though Caste system is prevailing, the people have dignity and hope due to the financial assistance.  The IRULA Community is ever grateful for this.


2.     The children are the main focus of development with the support and hence they are all going regularly to schools.


3.     The women have a sense of relief due to the financial support


4.     The youth of the families are pursuing some technical studies in view of better job opportunities


5.     The families use the financial support for their access to the nearby towns for their livelihood.




Special updates and progress:  Some additional helps were also taken up for the beneficiaries:


1.     Heart Surgery to the child:


Bhagya Lakshmi, 8 year old daughter of a widow Ms. Mari has a hole in the heart. But with the intervention of Mr. Arul Oli and Fr. Nithiya, the girl was given good treatment – a process that went on for nearly 14 months of waiting and negotiating- we succeeded in getting her operated last September and she is perfectly fine now.


2.     House Constructions for the people:


2.1.         Two families were given help by the help of TNEN and PEN to construct the houses of two widows namely Kannammal and Siriya Pushpam. Fr. Nithiya found some local helpers and spent 50% more amount and completed two houses. Mr. Arul Oli was personally involved in the construction of the houses.


2.2.         Three more beneficiaries namely  of a widow Ms. Mari, a Destitute Ms. Thenmozhi and Mr. Kuppu Murugan were also built houses with the local support.


3.     Educational Support to School Children:  The following support were given to the children of these beneficiaries. For this, we collected some support from local friends and we helped many more rural children too.


3.1.         School stationaries were given like Note books, Pens, scales, geometry boxes, Hand writing practice note books,


3.2.         Some villages we also give tuition for children freely- we started with 10 villages but now with practical problem 5 centres are running. For the teachers, some remunerations are given with local support.


3.3.         Health Awareness programmes were given to children and their parents.